1. The Constitutional Convention. Antecedents ; The Constitutional Convention -- 2. Creating the Presidency. The Making of the Presidency : An Overview ; Number of the Executive ; Selection and Succession ; Term of Office ; Removal ; Institutional Separation from Congress ; Enumerated Powers ; The Vice Presidency ; Ratifying the Constitution -- 3. Bringing the Constitutional Presidency to Life : George Washington and John Adams. The Election of George Washington ; Making the Presidency Safe for Democracy ; Forming the Executive and Judicial Branches ; Presidential "Supremacy' and the Conduct of the Executive Branch ; Presidential Nonpartisanship and the Beginning of Party Conflict ; Washington's Retirement and the Jay Treaty : The Constitutional Crisis of 1796 ; The 1796 Election ; The Embattled Presidency of John Adams ; The Alien and Sedition Acts -- 4. The Triumph of Jeffersonianism : Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe. The "Revolution" of 1800 ; Jefferson's War with the Judiciary ; The Democratic-Republican Program and the Adjustment to Power ; The Limits of "Popular" Leadership ; The Twelfth Amendment ; Jefferson's Mixed Legacy ; The Presidency of James Madison and the Rise of the House of Representatives ; The Presidency of James Monroe -- 5. The Age of Jackson : Andrew Jackson to James Buchanan. Jacksonian Democracy ; The Rise of the Party Convention ; Jackson's Struggle with Congress ; The Aftermath of the Bank Veto ; The Decline of the Cabinet ; The Limits of the Jacksonian Presidency ; Martin Van Buren and the Panic of 1837 ; The Jacksonian Presidency Sustained ; John Tyler and the Problem of Presidential Succession ; The Presidency of James K. Polk ; The Slavery Controversy and the Twilight of the Jacksonian Presidency --
6. The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and the Slavery Controversy ; The Election of 1860 ; Lincoln and Secession ; Lincoln's Wartime Measures ; The Emancipation Proclamation ; The Election of 1864 ; Lincoln's Legacy -- 7. The Reaction against Presidential Power : Andrew Johnson to William McKinley. Reconstruction and the Assault on Executive Authority ; The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson ; Ulysses S. Grant and the Abdication of Executive Power ; The Fight to Restore Presidential Power ; Congressional Government and the Prelude to a More Active Presidency -- 8. Progressive Politics and Executive Power : Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Theodore Roosevelt and the Expansion of Executive Power ; The Troubled Presidency of William Howard Taft ; Progressive Politics and the Elections of 1912 ; Woodrow Wilson's Theory of Executive Leadership ; Wilson and Party Reform ; The Art of Popular Leadership ; Wilson's Relations with Congress ; Wilson as World Leader -- 9. The Triumph of Conservative Republicanism : Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. The Harding Era ; The "Silent" Politics of Calvin Coolidge ; Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression ; The Twentieth Amendment -- 10. The Consolidation of the Modern Presidency : Franklin D. Roosevelt to Dwight D. Eisenhower. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency ; The Modern Presidency Sustained : Truman and Eisenhower --
11. Personalizing the Presidency : John F. Kennedy to and Jimmy Carter. John F. Kennedy and the Rise of the "Personal Presidency" ; Lyndon B. Johnson and Presidential Government ; The Twenty-Fifth Amendment ; The Presidency of Richard Nixon ; Gerald R. Ford and the Post-Watergate Era ; A President Named Jimmy -- 12. A Restoration of Presidential Power? : Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. The Reagan Revolution ; A Reagan Court? ; The Presidency of George Bush ; The Presidency of Bill Clinton ; The Election of 1992 ; The First Year of the Clinton Presidency ; The 1994 Elections and the Restoration of Divided Government ; The Comeback President ; Balanced Budgets, Impeachment Politics, and the Limits of the Third Way -- 13. George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Unilateral Presidential Power. The Presidency of George W. Bush ; The 2000 Election ; Bush v. Gore ; The Early Months of the Bush Presidency ; September 11 and the War on Terrorism ; An Expanded Presidency ; Bush and the Republican Party ; Courts and Parties ; Partisanship and Unilateralism ; The Presidency of Barack Obama ; The 2008 Elections ; The New Foundation and Partisan Rancor ; We Can't Wait: Obama and the Administrative Presidency ; Obama's Reelection and the Perils of Partisanship ; Obama, Partisanship, and the War on Terrorism ; Barack Obama's Fragile Legacy -- 14. Donald Trump, Joseph Biden, and the Struggle for a Peaceful Transfer of Power. Trump's Ride to the White House ; The War against the Deep State ; Trump's Administrative Presidency ; Trump and Congress ; Foreign Policy ; The Hazards of Executive-Centered Partisanship ; The 2020 Election and the Early Days of the Biden Presidency -- 15. The Vice Presidency. The Founding Period ; The Vice Presidency in the 19th Century ; Theodore Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman ; The Modern Vice Presidency ; Conclusion -- Appendix. Constitution of the United States ; Amendments ; U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents ; Summary of Presidential Elections, 1789-2020.