Basic Principles and Relevant Issues. Historical and philosophical perspectives of community and population health practice / Marjorie E. Scaffa and S. Maggie Reitz -- Community and population health concepts / Marjorie E. Scaffa -- Theoretical frameworks for community-based practice / M. Beth Merryman, Kendra Heatwole Shank and S. Maggie Reitz -- Population health : an occupational perspective / Clare Hocking and Ann A. Wilcock --
Community-Based and Population Health Program Development. Program planning and needs assessment / Kathleen Flecky, Joy D. Doll, Marjorie E. Scaffa -- Program design and implementation / Joy D. Doll and Anna Domina -- Program Evaluation / David Ensminger, et al. -- Program support : innovation, entrepreneurship, and business acumen / Joy D. Doll, Marjorie E. Scaffa, and Wendy M. Holmes --
Children and Youth. Early intervention programs / Donna A. Wooster and Abigail Baxter -- From school to community transition services / Janet DeLany, Barbara Demchick and Lisa Crabtree -- Promoting community inclusion and integration for youth / Amanda C. Jozkowski and Sarah Anne Hewitt --
Productive Aging. Aging in place and home modifications / Janie B. Scott and Trish H. Foley -- Driving and community mobility / Anne E. Dickerson -- Low vision services in the community / Theresa M. Smith --
Work and Industry. Community ergonomics and prevention of work-related injuries / Lynne Murphy Peter Bowman -- Work and career transitions / Marjorie E. Scaffa and S. Maggie Reitz -- Health professional well-being / S. Maggie Reitz, Marjorie E. Scaffa and S. Blaise Chromiak --
Mental Health. Community mental health programs / Rita P. Fleming-Castaldy -- Community-based approaches to substance use epidemics / Sally Wasmuth -- Addressing the needs of the homeless / Thaddeus Parker and Marjorie E. Scaffa --
Rehabilitation and Participation. Community reintegration services for military veterans / Marjorie E. Scaffa, Jeremy Fletcher and John F. Kilpatrick -- Promoting occupational participation in marginalized populations / Stephen B. Kern, et al. -- Telehealth / Ranelle Nissen --
Health Promotion and Wellness. Lifestyle Redesign® programs / Camille Dieterle -- Occupational therapy in primary health-care settings / Marjorie E. Scaffa and S. Blaise Chromiak -- Disaster preparedness, response, and recovery / Theresa M. Smith and Marjorie E. Scaffa -- Violence prevention and mitigation / Susan Cahill, et al. --
Looking Ahead. Future directions in community and population health practice / Marjorie E. Scaffa, S. Maggie Reitz and Patricia A. Crist.