Part 1. Professionalism -- Introduction -- Introduction to professionalism -- Critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and lifelong learning -- Diversity and difference; human rights; social, economic, and environmental justice; and policy-practice -- Social work values and ethical decision making -- Part 2. Social work skills -- Talking and listening: The basic interpersonal skills -- Preparing -- Beginning -- Exploring -- Assessing -- Contracting -- Working and evaluating -- Ending -- Appendix 1: The social work skills learning portfolio -- Appendix 2: The social work skills test -- Appendix 3: The social work skills self-appraisal questionnaire -- Appendix 4: The critical thinking questionnaire -- Appendix 5: The lifelong learning questionnaire -- Appendix 7: Experiential interview exercise: guidelines and forms -- Appendix 8: Alphabetized list of feeling words -- Appendix 9: Description, assessment, and contract (DAC): Lynn Chase -- Appendix 10: The social work skills interview rating form -- Appendix 11: Table of social work skills -- Appendix 12: Table of social work skills supporting the EPAS competencies -- Appendix 13: Self-appraisal of proficiency: EPAS competency-based knowledge and values, and practice behaviors -- Appendix 14: Self-appraisal of proficiency in the ASWB knowledge, skills, and abilities (Bachelor's Level) -- Appendix 15: Self-appraisal of proficiency in the ASWB knowledge, skills, and abilities (Master's Level)