Foreword / Leo R. Chavez -- Introduction: Terror, trauma, and resistance in the US/México borderlands / Arturo J. Aldama and Jessica Ordaz -- Xenophobia, Abjection, and State Violence. "They're bringing drugs!" : Reflections on movement and migration, the "war on drugs," and the opioid crisis in Trump's America / Rebecca Avalos -- Separating and caging immigrant families : case studies in South Texas from the postwar era through Trump's reign of terror / Jennifer Cullison -- Human trafficking and the politics of state violence through operation Lone Star / Antonio Vásquez -- The uterus collectors : the lineage of hemispheric medical abuse and experimentation in the United States and Guatemala / Alexandria Herrera -- Reflections on right-wing leadership in the United States : from LAPD Chief William Parker to Donald Trump / Roberto A. Mónico -- Refugees and human rights law during the Trump administration / Jasmin Lilian Diab --
Performing the Borderlands : Visual Arts, Music, Dance, and Community Resistance(s). No están solxs : mourning migrant suffering and death through commemorative art at the US/Mexico border / Alexis N. Meza and Leslie Quintanilla -- "American" incarceration : dances that critique confinement and contribute to prison abolitionist possibilities / Tria Blu Wakpa -- Museum at the border / Eliseo Ortiz -- Canto y Oración in Juan Gabriel's "Amor eterno" : a Latin@/x refusal to forget lives lost to state-sanctioned violence / Kiara Padilla --
The Media and Popular Culture. Americana White plight : bolsotrumpism and the linear desire for westernness / Renata Carvalho Barreto -- Trump's hermeneutics of the ass : anal theory, gaping holes, and backdoor approaches to the U.S.-Mexico border / Sergio A. Macías -- The dehumanizing framing of Central American and Mexican children and youth seeking refuge in the United States / Maria Vargas and Heidy Sarabia -- Migrant children and the carceral state in the comic book home / José Enrique Navarro -- I'm the shooter / JM Rivera --
Resistance and Abolitionist Dreams. Sexual violence and the prison/border archive : theorizing a feminist abolition praxis of migrant detention / Cinthya Martinez -- Trump's bellicose border wall and the hateful rhetoric and violence it inspires in the Paso del Norte Region / Cynthia Bejarano and Diana J. López -- White supremacy and migrant advocacy at the US-Mexico border / Allison Glover -- Free them all : a conversation on trans abolitionist visions with Jordan Garcia / Nishant Upadhyay -- Resistance archiving : reflections on the IMM print detention stories project / Tina Shull and Jamila Hammami -- Afterword / by Karma R. Chávez.