"One of the great advantages of teaching Introduction to Communication is that it allows instructors and their students to talk about everything, because all aspects of life-personal, social, political, cultural, relational, familial-involve communication. But the nature of the course also presents some challenges: 1.What gets covered and what gets left out? In other words, how does the class cover all the important material in one semester? 2.Given everything the course is designed to cover, how does the material connect with students' everyday lives? Where is the balance between the theoretical and what's relevant to students? 3.What's the best way to ensure that the course's learning objectives are met? We have carefully designed this text in answer to these questions, drawing on scores of surveys and reviews, along with our collective 70 years of university teaching experience. Introduction to Communication: Perception, Meaning, and Identity offers a comprehensive, readable, and balanced survey of the discipline. Using vivid and contemporary examples, we cover the basics of communication theory and research and provide tools to help students become more competent, confident, and ethical communicators. We show students the relevance of communication in their daily lives so that they can apply their newfound knowledge of the communication process in a variety of contexts"-- Provided by publisher.